Thursday, November 8, 2012

Graduation Poem (2011)

The cordial sun doth greet the afternoon;
The clouds like barges roll along the breeze;
Across the walkway- pretty petals strewn;
Their green replacements trembling in the trees.
And on the pond a careful mother loon
Doth guide her chicklets round the shore with ease
Her mate- he follows, close behind, attune,
Lest foe or danger their dear young ones seize.
Although the chicks are delicate at best,
They learn how they should go about their way
And how to catch a fish and make a nest
So they can rest their heads at close of day.
I too, am in my home a meager guest,
For in my little nest, I cannot stay.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wet wooden planks taste
good on the soles of my feet
as I
thump       thump 
my way to water's edge, musing

that God's favorite color
is green- vibrant life-
river water, river trees, the flash

before sunset,
              not unlike
the spark in your eye.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Our Father

I wish I could say
that everything I do is for
you, but it's not. It's like
I forgot how to love
you. You are so much more
than anything else
I could ever adore than anything
I could say to describe
the way you love
and are good
and hold
and forgive-

forgive me.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I Gather These Crumbs

I gather these crumbs-
your laughter’s reverberation
tossing your boy smile
over your shoulder
at me.

Your arm’s determination
snowballing the high arch,
missing your mark.
Your fleeting disclosure,
never foreseen.

I tuck them
in my pocket to drop
along my way,
my day- a trail
through the trees.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

I Am Jazz (Nikki Giovanni)

I am jazz
I am smooth but not pop
I am cool but not contained
I run the soundtrack
Of your life

You enter me with dissonance
Then command a little rag

There may even be a prayer or two
Somewhere in there

I am jazz

When you are alone
I come to you
Giving you rhythm to work
And rhyme to care

I agree with pure jazz
I am safe for your dog
Cool for the cats
Salt in the pond
For your fish

You need me
Admit it
You need me

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Long Before This Tenderness Between Us Was Born (John Rybicki)

Whitman knew he was a drop
of light that fell splashing against
the mud and landed upright a man

sprouting calves and hips, the sweet
fruit already ringing in his chest.
Imagine the orchestra of drops

pouring from God's face, long before
the throat became a smokestack,
long before this tenderness between us

was born, there was a mouth rising
from the ground to pool like some
birdbath under you, a drum

where your navel sits, and a hut
whose walls were bathed in lamplight.
Tonight you listen to our daughter sleep.

You flick her bedroom light off
because it's the one hard star
you are in charge of.

You lean in the doorway
pouring your blood
up to our daughter's throat

where it sits like some blanket
you keep even though she lives
on the outside of you now.